
+7 (4872) 338-000

Пн-Пт: 9:00 — 19:00


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Online registry

Experience shows that to have the operation performed in the city of Tula it is enough to have a distant consultation with the specialists of the institute (by email or by phone) as per results of which the terms of arrival for treatment can be fixed up. Besides we offer our potential clients to fill in a questionnaire especially developed by us for a distant consultation performing.

If you visit us for the first time
If you are planning to have surgical treatment in the Institute of Clinical Rehabilitation for the first time it is necessary to have the enumerated tests performed at the place of residence. Fill in the below given questionnaires surgical and anesthetic ones.
Necessary tests
  1. HIV blood test (polarization fluoroimmunoassay) submitted in MHCI and SHCI institutions and private laboratories having a license.
  2. Hepatitis B/Australian antigen/ (polarization fluoroimmunoassay) blood test.
  3. Hepatitis C blood test (polarization fluoroimmunoassay). (If Hepatitis B or/and C blood tests are positive biochemical blood examination is necessary: defining of total protein, bilirubin and fractions, ALAT and ASAT).
    The present blood tests are valid within three months.
  4. Blood group, Rhesus factor.
  5. General blood test, thrombocytes, clotting time and bleeding duration. The test is valid within 10 days.
  6. Common urine test. The test is valid within 10 days.
  7. Blood sugar test / upon indications/.
  8. Electrocardiography / upon indications/.
  9. X-ray radiography/ upon indications/.
  10. Exact weight and body height.
  11. Extract from the child’s outpatient card.
  12. A certificate from pediatrician (physician) of absence of contraindication to surgery.
  13. Certificate of absence of contacts with contagious patients.
If you visit us not for the first time
If you have already been to our Institute it is necessary to fill in the questionnaires given below, surgical and anesthetic ones and to have the following tests performed
Necessary tests
  1. HIV blood test (polarization fluoroimmunoassay) submitted in MHCI and SHCI institutions and private laboratories having a license.
  2. Hepatitis B/Australian antigen/(polarization fluoroimmunoassay) blood test.
  3. Hepatitis C blood test (polarization fluoroimmunoassay).
    (If Hepatitis B or/and C blood tests are positive biochemical blood examination is necessary: defining of total protein, bilirubin and fractions, ALAT and ASAT).
    The present blood tests are valid within three months.
  4. General blood test, thrombocytes, clotting time and bleeding duration.
  5. The test is valid within 10 days.
  6. A certificate from pediatrician (physician) of absence of contraindication to surgery.  
  7. Certificate of absence of contacts with contagious patients.
  8. Exact weight and body height.


Information of the expected anesthesia
Taking into account the fact the surgery is performed under general anesthesia the following directions should be followed:
  1. The patient should not take food or water on a day of the surgery under general anesthesia.
  2. The patients taking anti-seizure medications should take a morning dose not later than 7 a.m. with two-three sips of water.
  3. At performing of the surgery under general anesthesia an accompanying person and a patient transport trolley are necessary.
  4. At applying for treatment it is necessary to have the results of all analysis (originals) and other shoes.


Recommendations for post-surgery period
Your child has undergone the surgery under general anesthesia with usage of modern anesthetics excluding any toxic influence the child’s organism. We’ve taken care of reducing of the pain, nausea and vomiting while post-surgery period.
After discharge from the hospital you MUST:
  1. СKeep horizontal position of the child for 4-5 hours. Then if desired the child can sit.
  2. Give a drink to the child within 2-3 hours (exclude sparkled drinks and juice concentrates).
  3. Give meal in 1-2 hours. Feeding schedule – traditional for the child.
  4. Remove all compressing bandages in 4-6 hours from the moment of discharge.
  5. Give painkillers additionally within 2-3 days 2 times a day.
    • children under 3 – Analgin, Cefecon in suppositories, Ibufen;
    • children 3-14 – Nise, Panadol, Nurofen, Analgin syrup or pills, Ibufen;
    • children over 14 – Nise, Panadol, Nurofen, Analgin, Ketorol, Ketonal, Ketoprophenum (Bystroumpaks).
    A dose should be taken in accordance with instructions.
    The same medications should be applied as anti-febrile medicine.
  6. At appearance of nausea and vomiting prevent the child from taking a meal. Give Cerucal to the child. Give the child Rehydron, sugar tea and still mineral water to drink until vomiting stops.
  7. Additional information is available by phone in the city of Tula(4872)33-80-00 (multichannel)

Duty doctor  (с 12:00 до 18:00) 8(910)168-67-57

Do not hesitate to contact us!